HPX - High Performance ParalleX


HPX V0.9.5

We have had over 1000 commits since the last release and we have closed roughly 150 tickets (bugs, feature requests, etc.).

General Changes

This release is continuing along the lines of code and API consolidation, and overall usability inprovements. We dedicated much attention to performance and we were able to significantly improve the threading and networking subsystems.

We successfully ported HPX to the Android platform. HPX applications now not only can run on mobile devices, but we support heterogeneous applications running across architecture boundaries. At the Supercomputing Conference 2012 we demonstrated connecting Android tablets to simulations running on a Linux cluster. The Android tablet was used to query performance counters from the Linux simulation and to steer its parameters.

We successfully ported HPX to Mac OSX (using the Clang compiler). Thanks to Pyry Jahkola for contributing the corresponding patches. Please see the section How to Install HPX on Mac OS for more details.

We made a special effort to make HPX usable in highly concurrent use cases. Many of the HPX API functions which possibly take longer than 100 microseconds to execute now can be invoked asynchronously. We added uniform support for composing futures which simplifies to write asynchronous code. HPX actions (function objects encapsulating possibly concurrent remote function invocations) are now well integrated with all other API facilities such like hpx::bind.

All of the API has been aligned as much as possible with established paradigms. HPX now mirrors many of the facilities as defined in the C++11 Standard, such as hpx::thread, hpx::function, hpx::future, etc.

A lot of work has been put into improving the documentation. Many of the API functions are documented now, concepts are explained in detail, and examples are better described than before. The new documentation index enables finding information with lesser effort.

This is the first release of HPX we perform after the move to Github. This step has enabled a wider participation from the community and further encourages us in our decision to release HPX as a true open source library (HPX is licensed under the very liberal Boost Software License).

Bug Fixes (Closed Tickets)

Here is a list of the important tickets we closed for this release. This is by far the longest list of newly implemented features and fixed issues for any of HPX' releases so far.
