HPX - High Performance ParalleX

Build recipes
How to Install HPX on Unix Variants
How to Install HPX on OS X (Mac)
How to Install HPX on Windows
How to Install HPX on BlueGene/Q
How to Install HPX on the Xeon Phi
  • Create a build directory. HPX requires an out-of-tree build. This means you will be unable to run CMake in the HPX source tree.
cd hpx
mkdir my_hpx_build
cd my_hpx_build
  • Invoke CMake from your build directory, pointing the CMake driver to the root of your HPX source tree.
cmake -DBOOST_ROOT=/root/of/boost/installation \
      [other CMake variable definitions] \

for instance:

cmake -DBOOST_ROOT=~/packages/boost -DHWLOC_ROOT=/packages/hwloc -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/packages/hpx ~/downloads/hpx_0.9.9
  • Invoke GNU make. If you are on a machine with multiple cores, add the -jN flag to your make invocation, where N is the number of parallel processes HPX gets compiled with.
gmake -j4
[Caution] Caution

Compiling and linking HPX needs a considerable amount of memory. It is advisable that approximately 2 GB of memory per parallel process is available.

[Note] Note

Many Linux distributions use make as an alias for gmake

  • To complete the build and install HPX:
gmake install
[Important] Important

These commands will build and install the essential core components of HPX only. In order to build and run the tests, please invoke:

gmake tests

and in order to build (and install) all examples invoke:

gmake examples
gmake install

For more detailed information about using CMake please refer its documentation and also the section Building HPX with CMake. Please pay special attention to the section about HPX_MALLOC as this is crucial for getting decent performance.

This section describes how to buildHPX for OS X (Mac) (with recent versions of Clang, libc++, and Boost).

The standard system compiler on OS X is too old to build HPX. You will have to install a newer compiler manually, either Clang or GCC. Below we describe two possibilities:

Install a recent version of LLVM and Clang
In order to build HPX you will need a fairly recent version of Clang
(at least version 3.2 of Clang and LLVM). For more instructions please see
[link http://clang.llvm.org/get_started.html here].

If you're using Homebrew, `brew install llvm --with-clang` will do the trick
and install 3.2 into `/usr/local/bin`.

In the guide below, I assume you're either using Clang 3.2 as installed by
Homebrew into /usr/local/bin, or that the following symlinks are created and
visible in your $PATH:
ln -s /path/to/build-llvm/Release/bin/clang++ clang++-3.3
ln -s /path/to/build-llvm/Release/bin/clang clang-3.3

(Replace /path/to here with an absolute path of your liking.)

Visit http://libcxx.llvm.org/ to get the latest version of the "libc++" C++ standard library
You need to use the trunk version; what's currently bundled with XCode or
OS X aren't quite there yet. You can follow the steps in
http://libcxx.llvm.org/ if you choose, but here's briefly how it can be built:
cd /path/to
git clone http://llvm.org/git/libcxx.git
cd libcxx/lib
CXX=clang++-3.3 CC=clang-3.3 TRIPLE=-apple- ./buildit

or alternatively:

CXX=/usr/local/bin/clang++ CC=/usr/local/bin/clang TRIPLE=-apple- \

The library is then found in /path/to/libcxx/include and /path/to/libcxx/lib, respectively

Build (and install) a recent version of Boost, using Clang and libc++
To build Boost with Clang and make it link to libc++ as standard library,
you'll need to set up either of the following in your `~/user-config.jam`
# user-config.jam (put this file into your home directory)
# ...

# Clang 3.2
using clang
    : 3.2
    : "/usr/local/bin/clang++"
    : <cxxflags>"-std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++ -fcolor-diagnostics -isystem /path/to/libcxx/include"
      <linkflags>"-stdlib=libc++ -L/path/to/libcxx/lib"

# Clang trunk ("3.3" for convenience)
using clang
    : 3.3
    : "clang++-3.3"
    : <cxxflags>"-std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++ -fcolor-diagnostics -isystem /path/to/libcxx/include"
      <linkflags>"-stdlib=libc++ -L/path/to/libcxx/lib"

(Again, remember to replace /path/to with whatever you used earlier.)

You can then use as build command either:
b2 --build-dir=/tmp/build-boost --layout=versioned toolset=clang-3.2 install -j4


b2 --build-dir=/tmp/build-boost --layout=versioned toolset=clang-3.3 install -j4

we verifed this using Boost V1.53. If you use a different version, just remember to replace /usr/local/include/boost-1_53 with whatever include prefix you had in your installation.

Build HPX, finally
cd /path/to
git clone https://github.com/STEllAR-GROUP/hpx.git
mkdir build-hpx && cd build-hpx

To build with Clang 3.2, execute:

cmake ../hpx \
    -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/local/bin/clang++ \
    -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/local/bin/clang-3.3 \
    -DBOOST_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/local/include/boost-1_53 \
    -DBOOST_LIBRARY_DIR=/usr/local/lib \
    -DBOOST_SUFFIX=-clang-darwin32-mt-1_53 \
    -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-isystem /path/to/libcxx/include" \
    -DLINK_FLAGS="-L /path/to/libcxx/lib"

To build with Clang 3.3 (trunk), execute:

cmake ../hpx \
    -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++-3.3 \
    -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang-3.3 \
    -DBOOST_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/local/include/boost-1_53 \
    -DBOOST_LIBRARY_DIR=/usr/local/lib \
    -DBOOST_SUFFIX=-clang-darwin33-mt-1_53 \
    -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-isystem /path/to/libcxx/include" \
    -DLINK_FLAGS="-L /path/to/libcxx/lib"

For more detailed information about using CMake please refer its documentation and to the section Building HPX with CMake for. Please pay special attention to the section about HPX_MALLOC as this is crucial for getting decent performance.

Alternative Installation method of HPX on OS X (Mac)

Alternatively, you can install a recent version of gcc as well as all required libraries via MacPorts:

  1. Install MacPorts
  2. Install CMake, gcc 4.8, and hwloc:

    sudo port install gcc48
    sudo port install hwloc

    You may also want:

    sudo port install cmake
    sudo port install git-core
  3. Make this version of gcc your default compiler:

    sudo port install gcc_select
    sudo port select gcc mp-gcc48
  4. Build Boost manually (the Boost package of MacPorts is built with Clang, and unfortunately doesn't work with a GCC-build version of HPX):

    wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost/1.54.0/boost_1_54_0.tar.bz2
    tar xjf boost_1_54_0.tar.bz2
    pushd boost_1_54_0
    export BOOST_ROOT=$HOME/boost_1_54_0
    ./bootstrap.sh --prefix=$BOOST_DIR
    ./b2 -j8
    ./b2 -j8 install
  5. Build HPX:

    git clone https://github.com/STEllAR-GROUP/hpx.git
    mkdir hpx-build
    pushd hpx-build
    export HPX_ROOT=$HOME/hpx
    cmake -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc \
        -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++ \
        -DCMAKE_FORTRAN_COMPILER=gfortran \
        -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-Wno-unused-local-typedefs" \
        -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-Wno-unused-local-typedefs" \
        -DHWLOC_ROOT=/opt/local \
    make -j8
    make -j8 install
  6. Note that you need to set BOOST_ROOT, HPX_ROOT, and DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH (for both BOOST_ROOT and HPX_ROOT) every time you configure, build, or run an HPX application.
  7. If you want to use HPX with MPI, you need to enable the MPI parcelport, and also specify the location of the MPI wrapper scripts. This can be done e.g. with the following command:
     -DMPI_C_COMPILER=openmpicc \
     -DMPI_CXX_COMPILER=openmpic++ \
     -DMPI_FORTRAN_COMPILER=openmpif90 \
     -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-Wno-unused-local-typedefs" \
     -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-Wno-unused-local-typedefs" \
     -DHWLOC_ROOT=/opt/local \
Installation of Required Prerequisites
Installation of the HPX Library
  • Create a build folder. HPX requires an out-of-tree-build. This means that you will be unable to run CMake in the HPX source folder.
  • Open up the CMake GUI. In the input box labelled "Where is the source code:", enter the full path to the source folder. The source directory is one where the sources were checked out. CMakeLists.txt files in the source directory as well as the subdirectories describe the build to CMake. In addition to this, there are CMake scripts (usually ending in .cmake) stored in a special CMake directory. CMake does not alter any file in the source directory and doesn't add new ones either. In the input box labelled "Where to build the binaries:", enter the full path to the build folder you created before. The build directory is one where all compiler outputs are stored, which includes object files and final executables.
  • Add CMake variable definitions (if any) by clicking the "Add Entry" button. There are two required variables you need to define: BOOST_ROOT and HWLOC_ROOT. These (PATH) variables need to be set to point to the root folder of your Boost and Portable Hardware Locality (HWLOC) installations. It is recommended to set the variable CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX as well. This determines where the HPX libraries will be built and installed. If this (PATH) variable is set, it has to refer to the directory where the built HPX files should be installed to.
  • Press the "Configure" button. A window will pop up asking you which compilers to use. Select the Visual Studio 10 (64Bit) compiler (it usually is the default if available). The Visual Studio 2012 (64Bit) and Visual Studio 2013 (64Bit) compilers are supported as well. Note that while it is possible to build HPX for x86, we don't recommend doing so as 32 bit runs are severely restricted by a 32 bit Windows system limitation affecting the number of HPX threads you can create.
  • Make sure that that the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE (under the CMAKE tree) is set to Debug or Release, according to what you plan to do (alternatively, this variable can be set to RelWithDebInfo or MinSizeRel). The text area at the bottom of CMake GUI displays the output of CMake. CMake prompts an error message in a separate dialog box if a required dependency is not found.
  • Press "Configure" again. Repeat this step until the "Generate" button becomes clickable (and until no variable definitions are marked red anymore).
  • Press "Generate".
  • Open up the build folder, and double-click hpx.sln.
  • Build the INSTALL target.

For more detailed information about using CMake please refer its documentation and also the section Building HPX with CMake.

So far we only support BGClang for compiling HPX on the BlueGene/Q.

  • Check if BGClang is available on your installation. If not obtain and install a copy from the BGClang trac page <https://trac.alcf.anl.gov/projects/llvm-bgq>_
  • Build (and install) a recent version of hwloc Downloads With the following commands:
./configure \
  --host=powerpc64-bgq-linux \
  --prefix=$HOME/install/hwloc \
  --disable-shared \
  --enable-static \
  CPPFLAGS='-I/bgsys/drivers/ppcfloor -I/bgsys/drivers/ppcfloor/spi/include/kernel/cnk/'
make install
  • Build (and install) a recent version of Boost, using BGClang:: To build Boost with BGClang, you'll need to set up the following in your Boost ~/user-config.jam file:
# user-config.jam (put this file into your home directory)
using clang
  : bgclang++11

You can then use this as your build command:

./b2 --build-dir=/tmp/build-boost --layout=versioned toolset=clang -j12
  • Clone the master HPX git repository (or a stable tag):
git clone git://github.com/STEllAR-GROUP/hpx.git
  • Generate the HPX buildfiles using cmake:
cmake -DHPX_PLATFORM=BlueGeneQ \
        -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=bgclang++11 \
        -DMPI_CXX_COMPILER=mpiclang++11 \
        -DHWLOC_ROOT=/path/to/hwloc/installation \
        -DBOOST_ROOT=/path/to/boost \
        -DHPX_MALLOC=system \
  • To complete the build and install HPX:
make -j24
make install
This will build and install the essential core components of HPX only. Use:
make -j24 examples
make -j24 install
to build and install the examples.
Installation of the Boost Libraries
  • Download Boost Downloads for Linux and unpack the retreived tarball.
  • Adapt your ~/user-config.jam to contain the following lines:

    ## Toolset to be used for compiling for the host
    using intel
        : host
        : <cxxflags>"-std=c++0x"
    ## Toolset to be used for compiling for the Xeon Phi
    using intel
        : mic
        : <cxxflags>"-std=c++0x -mmic"
          <linkflags>"-std=c++0x -mmic"
  • Change to the directory you unpacked boost in (from now on referred to as $BOOST_ROOT) and execute the following commands:

    ./b2 toolset=intel-mic -j<N>

    You should now have all the required boost libraries.

Installation of the hwloc Library
  • Download hwloc Downloads, unpack the retreived tarball and change to the newly created directory
  • Run the configure-make-install procedure as follows:

    CC=icc CFLAGS=-mmic CXX=icpc CXXFLAGS=-mmic LDFLAGS=-mmic ./configure --host=k1om --prefix=$HWLOC_ROOT
    make install

    You now have a working hwloc installation in $HWLOC_ROOT.

Building HPX

After all the prerequistes have been succesfully installed, we can now start building and installing HPX. The build procedure is almost the same as for How to Install HPX on Unix Variants with the sole difference that you have to enable the Xeon Phi in the CMake Build system. This is achieved by invoking CMake in the following way:

cmake                                             \
    -T/path/to/hpx/cmake/toolchains/XeonPhi.cmake \
    -DBOOST_ROOT=$BOOST_ROOT                      \
    -DHWLOC_ROOT=$HWLOC_ROOT                      \

For more detailed information about using CMake please refer its documentation and to the section Building HPX with CMake. Please pay special attention to the section about HPX_MALLOC as this is crucial for getting decent performance on the Xeon Phi.
