HPX - High Performance ParalleX

Installing Boost Libraries
[Important] Important

Because of a problem in Boost V1.54.0 this version can't be used for compiling HPX if you use gcc V4.6.x. Please use either an earlier or a later version of Boost with this compiler.

The easiest way to create a working Boost installation is to compile Boost from sources yourself. This is particularly important as many high performance resources, even if they have Boost installed, usually only provide you with an older version of Boost. We suggest you download the most recent release of the Boost libraries from here: Boost Downloads. Unpack the downloaded archive into a directory of your choosing. We will refer to this directory a $BOOST.

Building and installing the Boost binaries is simple, regardless what platform you are on:

bootstrap --prefix=<where to install boost>
./b2 -j<N> --build-type=complete
./b2 install

where: <where to install boost> is the directory the built binaries will be installed to, and <N> is the number of cores to use to build the Boost binaries.

After the above sequence of command has been executed (this may take a while!) you will need to specify the directory where Boost was installed as BOOST_ROOT (<where to install boost>) while executing cmake for HPX as explained in detail in the sections How to Install HPX on Unix Variants and How to Install HPX on Windows.

[Important] Important

On Windows, depending on the installed versions of Visual Studio, you might also want to pass the correct toolset to the b2 command depending on which version of the IDE you want to use. In addition, passing address-model=64 is always safe
