HPX - High Performance ParalleX


Using Parallel Algorithms

A parallel algorithm is a function template described by this document which is declared in the (inline) namespace hpx::parallel::v1.

[Note] Note

For compilers which do not support inline namespaces, all of the namespace v1 is imported into the namespace hpx::parallel. The effect is similar to what inline namespaces would do, namely all names defined in hpx::parallel::v1 are accessible from the namespace hpx::parallel as well.

All parallel algorithms are very similar in semantics to their sequential counterarts (as defined in the namespace std) with a formal template parameter named ExecutionPolicy. The execution policy is generally passed as the first argument to any of the parallel algorithms and describes the manner in which the execution of these algorithms may be parallelized and the manner in which they apply user-provided function objects.

The applications of function objects in parallel algorithms invoked with an execution policy object of type sequential_execution_policy execute in sequential order in the calling thread.

The applications of function objects in parallel algorithms invoked with an execution policy object of type parallel_execution_policy or task_execution_policy are permitted to execute in an unordered fashion in unspecified threads, and indeterminately sequenced within each thread.

[Important] Important

It is the caller's responsibility to ensure correctness, for example that the invocation does not introduce data races or deadlocks.

The applications of function objects in parallel algorithms invoked with an execution policy of type parallel_vector_execution_policy is in HPX equivalent to the use of the execution policy parallel_execution_policy.

Algorithms invoked with an execution policy object of type execution_policy execute internally as if invoked with the contained execution policy object. An exception is when an execution_policy contains an execution policy of type task_execution_policy (which normally turns the algorithm into its asynchronous version). In this case the execution is semantically equivalent to the case of passing a parallel_execution_policy contained in the execution_policy object.

Parallel Exceptions

During the execution of a standard parallel algorithm, if temporary memory resources are required by any of the algorithms and no memory are available, the algorithm throws a std::bad_alloc exception.

During the execution of any of the parallel algorithms, if the application of a function object terminates with an uncaught exception, the behavior of the program is determined by the type of execution policy used to invoke the algorithm:

For example, the number of invocations of the user-provided function object in for_each is unspecified. When for_each is executed sequentially, only one exception will be contained in the exception_list object.

These guarantees imply that, unless the algorithm has failed to allocate memory and terminated with std::bad_alloc, all exceptions thrown during the execution of the algorithm are communicated to the caller. It is unspecified whether an algorithm implementation will "forge ahead" after encountering and capturing a user exception.

The algorithm may terminate with the std::bad_alloc exception even if one or more user-provided function objects have terminated with an exception. For example, this can happen when an algorithm fails to allocate memory while creating or adding elements to the exception_list object.
