HPX - High Performance ParalleX


Using LCOs

Lightweight Control Objects provide synchrhonization for HPX applications. Most of them are familiar from other frameworks, but a few of them work in slightly special different ways adapted to HPX.

  1. future
  2. queue
  3. object_semaphore
  4. barrier
  5. and_gate
  6. barrier
  7. channel
  8. composable_guard - Composable guards operate in a manner similar to locks, but are applied only to asynchronous functions. The guard (or guards) is automatically locked at the beginning of a specified task and automatically unlocked at the end. Because guards are never added to an existing task's execution context, the calling of guards is freely composable and can never deadlock.

To call an application with a single guard, simply declare the guard and call run_guarded() with a function (task).

hpx::lcos::local::guard gu;

If a single method needs to run with multiple guards, use a guard set.

boost::shared<hpx::lcos::local::guard> gu1(new hpx::lcos::local::guard());
boost::shared<hpx::lcos::local::guard> gu2(new hpx::lcos::local::guard());

Guards use two atomic operations (which are not called repeatedly) to manage what they do, so overhead should be extremely low.

  1. conditional_trigger
  2. counting_semaphore
  3. dataflow
  4. event
  5. mutex
  6. once
  7. recursive_mutex
  8. spinlock
  9. spinlock_no_backoff

