HPX - High Performance ParalleX



What makes our Systems Slow?
Technology Demands New Response
Governing Principles applied while Developing HPX

Current advances in high performance computing (HPC) continue to suffer from the issues plaguing parallel computation. These issues include, but are not limited to, ease of programming, inability to handle dynamically changing workloads, scalability, and efficient utilization of system resources. Emerging technological trends such as multi-core processors further highlight limitations of existing parallel computation models. To mitigate the aforementioned problems, it is necessary to rethink the approach to parallelization models. ParalleX contains mechanisms such as multi-threading, parcels, global name space support, percolation and local control objects (LCO). By design, ParalleX overcomes limitations of current models of parallelism by alleviating contention, latency, overhead and starvation. With ParalleX, it is further possible to increase performance by at least an order of magnitude on challenging parallel algorithms, e.g., dynamic directed graph algorithms and adaptive mesh refinement methods for astrophysics. An additional benefit of ParalleX is fine-grained control of power usage, enabling reductions in power consumption.

ParalleX - a new Execution Model for Future Architectures

ParalleX is a new parallel execution model that offers an alternative to the conventional computation models, such as message passing. ParalleX distinguishes itself by:

The ParalleX model is intrinsically latency hiding, delivering an abundance of variable-grained parallelism within a hierarchical namespace environment. The goal of this innovative strategy is to enable future systems delivering very high efficiency, increased scalability and ease of programming. ParalleX can contribute to significant improvements in the design of all levels of computing systems and their usage from application algorithms and their programming languages to system architecture and hardware design together with their supporting compilers and operating system software.

What is HPX

High Performance ParalleX (HPX) is the first runtime system implementation of the ParalleX execution model. The HPX runtime software package is a modular, feature-complete, and performance oriented representation of the ParalleX execution model targeted at conventional parallel computing architectures such as SMP nodes and commodity clusters. It is academically developed and freely available under an open source license. We provide HPX to the community for experimentation and application to achieve high efficiency and scalability for dynamic adaptive and irregular computational problems. HPX is a C++ library that supports a set of critical mechanisms for dynamic adaptive resource management and lightweight task scheduling within the context of a global address space. It is solidly based on many years of experience in writing highly parallel applications for HPC systems.

The two-decade success of the communicating sequential processes (CSP) execution model and its message passing interface (MPI) programming model has been seriously eroded by challenges of power, processor core complexity, multi-core sockets, and heterogeneous structures of GPUs. Both efficiency and scalability for some current (strong scaled) applications and future Exascale applications demand new techniques to expose new sources of algorithm parallelism and exploit unused resources through adaptive use of runtime information.

The ParalleX execution model replaces CSP to provide a new computing paradigm embodying the governing principles for organizing and conducting highly efficient scalable computations greatly exceeding the capabilities of today's problems. HPX is the first practical, reliable, and performance-oriented runtime system incorporating the principal concepts of the ParalleX model publicly provided in open source release form.

HPX is designed by the STE||AR Group (Systems Technology, Emergent Parallelism, and Algorithm Research) at Louisiana State University (LSU)'s Center for Computation and Technology (CCT) to enable developers to exploit the full processing power of many-core systems with an unprecedented degree of parallelism. STE||AR is a research group focusing on system software solutions and scientific application development for hybrid and many-core hardware architectures.

For more information about the STE||AR Group, see People.
