HPX - High Performance ParalleX


Performance Counter Names

All Performance Counter instances have a name uniquely identifying this instance. This name can be used to access the counter, retrieve all related meta data, and to query the counter data (as described in the section Consuming Performance Counters). Counter names are strings with a predefined structure. The general form of a countername is:


where full_instancename could be either another (full) counter name or a string formatted as:


Each separate part of a countername (e.g. objectname, countername, parentinstancename, instancename, and parameters) should start with a letter ('a'...'z', 'A'...'Z') or an underscore character ('_'), optionally followed by letters, digits ('0'...'9'), hyphen ('-'), or underscore characters. Whitespace is not allowed inside a counter name. The characters '/', '{', '}', '#', and '@' have a special meaning and are used to delimit the different parts of the counter name.

The parts parentinstanceindex and instanceindex are integers. If an index is not specified HPX will assume a default of -1.

Two Simple Examples

An instance for a well formed (and meaningful) simple counter name would be:


This counter returns the current cumulative number of executed (retired) HPX-threads for the locality 0. The counter type of this counter is /threads/count/cumulative and the full instance name is locality#0/total (highlighted for readability). This counter type does not require an instanceindex or parameters to be specified.

In this case, the parentindex (the '0') designates the locality for which the counter instance is created. The counter will return the number of HPX-threads retired on that particular locality.

Another example for a well formed (aggregate) counter name is:


This counter takes the simple counter from the first example, samples its values every 500 milliseconds, and returns the average of the value samples whenever it is queried. The counter type of this counter is /statistics/average and the instance name is the full name of the counter for which the values have to be averaged. In this case, the parameters (the '500') specify the sampling interval for the averaging to take place (in milliseconds).

Performance Counter Types

Every Performance Counter belongs to a specific Performance Counter type which classifies the counters into groups of common semantics. The type of a counter is identified by the objectname and the countername parts of the name.


At application start, HPX will register all available counter types on each of the localities. These counter types are held in a special Performance Counter registration database which can be later used to retrieve the meta data related to a counter type and to create counter instances based on a given counter instance name.

Performance Counter Instances

The full_instancename distinguishes different counter instances of the same counter type. The formatting of the full_instancename depends on the counter type. There are two types of counters: simple counters which usually generate the counter values based on direct measurements, and aggregate counters which take another counter and transform its values before generating their own counter values. An example for a simple counter is given above: counting retired HPX-threads. An aggreagate counter is shown as an example above as well: calculating the average of the underlying counter values sampled at constant time intervals.

While simple counters use instance names formatted as parentinstancename#parentindex/instancename#instanceindex, most aggregate counters have the full counter name of the embedded counter as its instance name.

Not all simple counter types require specifying all 4 elements of a full counter instance name, some of the parts (parentinstancename, parentindex, instancename, and instanceindex) are optional for specific counters. Please refer to the documentation of a particular counter for more information about the formatting requirements for the name of this counter (see Existing Performance Counters).

The parameters are used to pass additional information to a counter at creation time. They are optional and they fully depend on the concrete counter. Even if a specific counter type allows additional parameters to be given, those usually are not required as sensible defaults will be chosen. Please refer to the documentation of a particular counter for more information about what parameters are supported, how to specify them, and what default values are assumed (see also Existing Performance Counters).

Every locality of an application exposes its own set of Performance Counter types and Performance Counter instances. The set of exposed counters is determinded dynamically at application start based on the execution environment of the application. For instance, this set is influenced by the current hardware environment for the locality (such as whether the locality has access to accelerators), and the software environment of the application (such as the number of OS-threads used to execute HPX-threads).

Using Wildcards in Performance Counter Names

It is possible to use wildcard characters when specifying performance counter names. Performance counter names can contain 2 types of wildcard characters:

Wildcard character have a meaning which is very close to usual file name wildcard matching rules implemented by common shells (like bash).

Table 16. Wildcard characters in the performance counter type




This wildchard character matches any number (zero or more) of arbitrary characters.


This wildchard character matches any single arbitrary character.


This wildchard character matches any single character from the list of specified within the square brackets.

Table 17. Wildcard characters in the performance counter instance name




This wildchard character matches any locality or any thread, depending on whether it is used for locality#* or worker-thread#*. No other wildcards are allowed in counter instance names.
