HPX - High Performance ParalleX

The HPX INI File Format

All HPX applications can be configured using a special file format which is similar to the well known Windows INI file format. This is a structured text format allowing to group key/value pairs (properties) into sections. The basic element contained in an ini file is the property. Every property has a name and a value, delimited by an equals sign ('='). The name appears to the left of the equals sign:


The value may contain equal signs as only the first '=' character is interpreted as the delimiter between name and value. Whitespace before the name, after the value and immediately before and after the delimiting equal sign is ignored. Whitespace inside the value is retained.

Properties may be grouped into arbitrarily named sections. The section name appears on a line by itself, in square brackets ([ and ]). All properties after the section declaration are associated with that section. There is no explicit "end of section" delimiter; sections end at the next section declaration, or the end of the file


In HPX sections can be nested. A nested section has a name composed of all section names it is embedded in. The section names are concatenated using a dot ('.'):


Here inner_section is logically nested within outer_section.

It is possible to use the full section name concatenated with the property name to refer to a particular property. For example in:

d = e

the property value of d can be referred to as a.b.c.d=e.

In HPX ini files can contain comments. Hash signs ('#') at the beginning of a line indicate a comment. All characters starting with the '#' until the end of line are ignored.

If a property with the same name is reused inside a section, the second occurrence of this property name will override the first occurrence (discard the first value). Duplicate sections simply merge their properties together, as if they occurred contiguously.

In HPX ini files, a property value ${FOO:default} will use the environmental variable FOO to extract the actual value if it is set and default otherwise. No default has to be specified. Therefore ${FOO} refers to the environmental variable FOO. If FOO is not set or empty the overall expression will evaluate to an empty string. A property value $[section.key:default] refers to the value held by the property section.key if it exists and default otherwise. No default has to be specified. Therefore $[section.key] refers to the property section.key. If the property section.key is not set or empty, the overall expression will evaluate to an empty string.

[Note] Note

Any property $[section.key:default] is evaluated whenever it is queried and not when the configuration data is initialized. This allows for lazy evaluation and relaxes initialization order of different sections. The only exception are recursive property values, e.g. values referring to the very key they are associated with. Those property values are evaluated at initialization time to avoid infinite recursion.
