HPX - High Performance ParalleX


Action Error Handling

Like in any other asynchronous invocation scheme it is important to be able to handle error conditions occurring while the asynchronous (and possibly remote) operation is executed. In HPX all error handling is based on standard C++ exception handling. Any exception thrown during the execution of an asynchronous operation will be transferred back to the original invocation locality, where it is rethrown during synchronization with the calling thread.

[Important] Important

Exceptions thrown during asynchronous execution can be transferred back to the invoking thread only for the synchronous and the asynchronous case with synchronization. Like with any other unhandled exception, any exception thrown during the execution of an asynchronous action without synchronization will result in calling hpx::terminate, causing the running application to exit immediately.

[Note] Note

Even if error handling internally relies on exceptions, most of the API functions exposed by HPX can be used without throwing an exception. Please see Error Handling for more information.

As an example, we will assume that the following remote function will be executed:

namespace app
    void some_function_with_error(int arg)
        if (arg < 0) {
            HPX_THROW_EXCEPTION(bad_argument, "some_function_with_error",
                "some really bad error happened");
        // do something else...

// This will define the action type 'some_error_action' which represents
// the function 'app::some_function_with_error'.
HPX_PLAIN_ACTION(app::some_function_with_error, some_error_action);

The use of HPX_THROW_EXCEPTION to report the error encapsulates the creation of a hpx::exception which is initialized with the error code hpx::bad_parameter. Additionally it carries the passed strings, the information about the file name, line number, and call stack of the point the exception was thrown from.

We invoke this action using the synchronous syntax as described before:

// note: wrapped function will throw hpx::exception
some_error_action act;            // define an instance of some_error_action
try {
    act(hpx::find_here(), -3);    // exception will be rethrown from here
catch (hpx::exception const& e) {
    // prints: 'some really bad error happened: HPX(bad parameter)'
    cout << e.what();

If this action is invoked asynchronously with synchronization, the exception is propagated to the waiting thread as well and is re-thrown from the future's function get():

// note: wrapped function will throw hpx::exception
some_error_action act;            // define an instance of some_error_action
hpx::future<void> f = hpx::async(act, hpx::find_here(), -3);
try {
    f.get();                      // exception will be rethrown from here
catch (hpx::exception const& e) {
    // prints: 'some really bad error happened: HPX(bad parameter)'
    cout << e.what();

For more information about error handling please refer to the section Error Handling. There we also explain how to handle error conditions without having to rely on exception.
